ZPPSU holds groundbreaking ceremony of academic building in Vitali Campus

A formal groundbreaking ceremony was held for the construction of a four-story academic building featured with 20 classrooms and a roof deck, held at the ZPPSU EPDU-Gregorio Vitali Campus (Phase 1) on January 23, this year.

The establishment of this facility amounts to nearly 50 million pesos, funded by Senator Loren Legarda for the university.

“Today, we mark the day when this dream for the Vitali Campus will come to fruition. We are forever grateful for the generosity of the Gregorio family, who have found it in their hearts to share their land, allowing EPDU-Vitali to finally have a campus they can call their own,” expressed by the University President Dr. Nelson P. Cabral.

The contract was signed by ZPPSU President Dr. Nelson P. Cabral, along with representatives from the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)—Antonio A. Gonzales, District Engineer and Chief of the Maintenance Division—and the President of Zamboanga 3VC Construction Incorporated, Engr. Ladeslao S. Darunday (contractor), along with ZPPSU Vice President for Administration and Finance, Ms. Josephine L. Sulasula, and Resident Engineer, Ryan Catamco.

Dr. Kier Dela Calzada, Dean of EPDU, expressed his gratitude for the full support of the University President and key officials.

“We have built not just a facility but a symbol of hope, resilience, and dedication,” Dr. Dela Calzada said with heartfelt gratitude.

Among those in attendance were Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Roy L. Valesco, Vice President for Research and Extension Dr. Rolando Malalay, Vice President for Student Affairs and Services Dr. Maria Cristina G. Wee, Faculty Regent Hon. Rachel Lorena, Student Regent Hon. Jet Ryan Lozano, key officials, directors, heads of units, faculty, and staff.



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