NMSCST Celebrates Excellence at the Pasundayag Awards Night 2023

NMSCST Celebrates Excellence at the Pasundayag Awards Night 2023

The Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology (NMSCST) held its much-anticipated Pasundayag Awards Night 2023 at the historic Old Gymnasium in Tangub City.

Under the distinguished presence of NMSCST OIC-President and ZPPSU President, Dr. Nelson P. Cabral, the event unfolded as a captivating celebration of academic brilliance and dedicated service.

Dr. Cabral sets the tone for the evening with a compelling welcome address, underscoring the university’s academic progress and showcasing pivotal programs contributing to its regional educational prominence.

The pinnacle of the event was the prestigious awarding ceremony, featuring diverse categories honoring exceptional contributions and achievements within the university community; From Cash Incentives to Plaques, VPAA Awards, HRMO Awards, and Special Recognitions, individuals and units were acknowledged for their outstanding commitment to advancing the university’s educational mission.

The recipients of these accolades included esteemed members of the university community, including Deans and Faculty, Directors and Heads of Units, as well as Personnel and Staff. Each recipient was recognized not only for their individual accomplishments but also for their collective efforts in fostering an environment of academic excellence and institutional advancement.

The Pasundayag Awards Night 2023 served as a significant moment for reflection on the accomplishments of the past year, inspiring a collective commitment to sustained excellence in the years ahead.

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