GAD experts: Breaking stereotypes among students, employees inside ZPPSU

To be a more gender responsive learning arena in Zamboanga Peninsula, all employees of Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University from different offices, departments, and delivering units, are enjoined to participate in the Gender Sensitivity Seminar held at the ZPPSU gymnasium today, October 17.

ZPPSU President Dr. Nelson P. Carbal affirmed during his opening remarks that Gender Sensitivity must be tackled among the ZPPSU community as “this is a very important concern in society.”

The resource speakers were CHED Commissioner Jo Mark M. Libre and Senior State Solicitor Atty. Lilian C. Abenojar from the Office of Solicitor General, sharing their know-how on the sensitive topics in perspectives of gender-fair language and ZPPSU as gender responsive academe.

The commissioner recognized the bravery of ZPPSU in discussing gender diversity and inclusivity towards a gender-sensitive academe out of the 24 SUCs under his charge nationwide.

Further, Atty. Abenojar also shared an interesting topic on Strengthening Gender-Fair Language in ZPPSU, anchoring it to the Republic Act 11313 or known as Safe Spaces Act (Bawal Bastos Law), which addresses gender-based sexual harassment in public areas such as SUCs.

To note that 5% of the university budget is allocated for gender and development programs and projects.

More so, the induction of ZPPSU – GAD officers was also taken place, which was led by Commissioner Libre as part of the seminar proper.

The event was conducted by the ZPPSU-Gender and Development Office headed by Director Mary Fe Dela Cruz.

With all the given insights, it is always one of the priorities of the ZPPSU to promote empowerment, respond to the gender imbalances and inequalities inside the premises, and ensure that the full participation of the entire community becomes essential for the university. (JRA/Photos: JBM)


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