ZPPSU Paves the Way for Future Excellence

An insightful pre-workshop in preparation for the upcoming three-day Futures Thinking and Strategic Foresight Conference was held at the ZPPSU Gymnasium today, January 22. The conference is scheduled from January 24 to 26 at the Southern Heights Recreational Park.

Guided by ZPPSU Vice President for Administration and Finance, Prof. Josephine Sulasula, and the esteemed steering committee, which includes ZPPSU Planning and Programming Director Engr. Edabel Jane Falcasantos, Arch. Fatima Shallemar Pattaalam, Engr. Emrayda Nagdar and Ms. Maura Elise Valesco, the event aimed at creating a progressive experience.

VP Sulasula also emphasized the workshop’s objectives, highlighting its crucial role in conveying the importance of future thinking and strategic foresight in the university’s operations. The focus was on fostering outside-the-box thinking, long-term planning, and anticipatory policy-making.

Additionally, the workshop aimed to ignite initiatives and insights into future developments, seamlessly integrating these forward-thinking initiatives into the university’s five-year development plan.

Anticipated attendees at the Futures Thinking workshop include University Vice Presidents, Directors, Unit Heads, College Deans, and other essential officials, representing a collaborative effort to shape the university’s future path.

The university community expresses utmost gratitude to ZPPSU President Dr. Nelson P. Cabral for this transformative endeavor.


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